viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

Hi everyone! Today I going to talk about this photograph, Lorenz Holder took it the last year, and He won the competition.

This photograph shows the reflection​ of trees in the lake. Also there are one men crossing the bridge, but I think that it isn't more important because the nature is so much beauty that the other men. In fact I feel that  I like this photo, because I can see that the environment is beautiful, and I believe that there are the others places that I don't know nothing about it.
I found this photo in one periodic: "El Pais" and y say me: wow! It's so wonderful.
I think that when we know the new nature places we learn a lot things about ours Earth and universe. Sometimes I imagine a lot time about others places of the universe and I think how is your vegetation and animals, etc

I hope that like you my post, bye bye!

1 comentario:

  1. I can't believe that is a natural photo and it's not an digital effect!! i would love to go there and see that by my own eyes!!
